Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas with the Suari

After spending Thanksgiving in Texas, we finally got our Christmas tree up a few weekends ago. We had planned to drive to Ashe County to find our very own special tree, but never were able to find the time. Luckily, we inherited an artificial tree (my PaPa is frowning, I know) from my parents and were able to get it up and decorated.

Little did we know that about the time we had all the ornaments and lights on it, with the bow on top --- it would fall over!

Drew spent a lot of time under the tree (with the cats, of course!) trying to rig the stand. We had hoped to be able to level out the tree with a stack of books, but that proved to be a bad idea.

Monday afternoon, I came home to this:

That's when we decided to just go buy a new tree stand. (Why didn't we think of this earlier?) So, when it was all said and done - we had invested $7 in a new tree stand, lost 4 ornaments (which were broken in the falling), and almost taken the holiday cheer out of our holidays. Key word: almost.

Now, our tree is up and decorated, the stockings are hung, we have a fire burning...all we need is Christmas break!

1 comment:

EN said...

Hilarious! Love the picture of the tree that fell! :-) Merry Christmas...see you Christmas night.