Monday, January 18, 2010

Long Weekends :)

I could really get used to these three-day weekends. Ours started with a basketball game Friday night, followed by dinner at Casa Grande (both accompanied by the Nelsons). Saturday, we spent more time with the Nelsons: I was scrapbooking all day with Erica, then a little hanging out at their house afterwards. Sunday, we went to church (the Nelsons were there)...and then lunch...and then more scrapbooking...and then more hanging out at their house. Pretty much a solid 48 hours (minus sleeping hours) with the Nelsons. Love it!

Today, Drew has basketball practice...and then a lacrosse meeting. I'm thinking I'm going to organize a bit...but who knows! I've been inspired lately while reading random blogs. There are some really crafty, organized women out there! I just wish I had more space to organize!!!

I'm going to start by organizing all of these recipes that I've cut out of my Southern Living, where did I put those sheet protectors?!?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, 2009 ended and we brought 2010 in with a bang. It feels like we've been going non-stop since it started. Lucky for you, one of my resolutions was to keep up with this blog on a more regular basis. (We'll see how long that one lasts!)
Let's much to say, and so little time. The biggest excitement currently: our puppy, Bella. She is 5 months old today! The above picture was taken shortly after we got her. Now, she's
almost 30 pounds!

She's quite spoiled, obviously. Who could resist that sweet face?!?

We hosted our second annual Tacky Christmas Sweater Party the weekend before Christmas. Fun, fun, fun.

Unfortunately, you cannot see the front of my sweater. It had a skiier on it. Lovely. Drew wore a hand-knitted poinsettia print women's sweater. He definitely had a winner! While mine was not nearly as "tacky" --- it was just downright UGLY.

We spent the holidays here at home. We had the Nelsons over for Christmas Eve dinner and spent Christmas morning at our house. Then, we went to the Nelsons for Christmas dinner. It was the beginning of great traditions to come! We, once again, spoiled each other and had a wonderful day. Two days after Christmas, we left to go to Maryland. It was another whirl-wind trip, but we enjoyed seeing all of our family and spending time with good friends.

So, here we are at the start of a new year... what does this year have in store for the Suari? Let's see:
3 weddings (so far)
a cross-country road trip (if we can be diligent about saving our money!)
lots of babies born to close friends (that we get to love on and help spoil)
the inaugural lacrosse team at A.L. Brown that Drew will be coaching (go wonders!)
our quarter-century birthdays (yikes!)
our second anniversary...2 years? It feels like it's been 5! in a good way ;)

And, I'm sure there will be much more as the year goes on. We're looking forward to it and can't wait to see what comes our way!