Monday, January 18, 2010

Long Weekends :)

I could really get used to these three-day weekends. Ours started with a basketball game Friday night, followed by dinner at Casa Grande (both accompanied by the Nelsons). Saturday, we spent more time with the Nelsons: I was scrapbooking all day with Erica, then a little hanging out at their house afterwards. Sunday, we went to church (the Nelsons were there)...and then lunch...and then more scrapbooking...and then more hanging out at their house. Pretty much a solid 48 hours (minus sleeping hours) with the Nelsons. Love it!

Today, Drew has basketball practice...and then a lacrosse meeting. I'm thinking I'm going to organize a bit...but who knows! I've been inspired lately while reading random blogs. There are some really crafty, organized women out there! I just wish I had more space to organize!!!

I'm going to start by organizing all of these recipes that I've cut out of my Southern Living, where did I put those sheet protectors?!?

1 comment:

EN said...

Horray for time with the Suari and for blogging! I love that you're keeping it updated! So, when is our next 48 hour hang out session?